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You may give your tithe as well as gifts of offerings for ministries such as missions and compassionate ministries. You can make these gifts by electronic check, debit card, or credit card. This is an easy, safe, and flexible option. All transactions made through electronic giving are processed through tithe.ly which can also be downloaded as an application on your device. Utilizing tithe.ly allows the processing of your transaction to be quick, easy, and secure.
You may ask the question,
“Why tithe? Why give offerings?”
These are biblical principles that reflect a heart of gratitude. Our decision to give in this way is an acknowledgment of what God has given to us and giving back to Him a portion of it. This is an opportunity to show God that He is first in our lives. Everything we have has come to us from God and we have the opportunity to show God that we understand He is the owner of our finances by giving back to Him the first of what He has given to us.